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BON offers a number of free (or essentially free) services to try and help connect the biodiversity, entomological, and collections communities with resources needed to be successful. Some of the services the BON team offers includes:

​SCAN Help (free!)

Sharing your data via SCAN (the Symbiota Collections of Arthropods Network) is a great way to make your collection and your data visible. It can also be a bit confusing figuring out how to get your collection or data on SCAN. We’re here to help! We offer the following services:

  • Online instructions on how to add your collection and data to SCAN (on the SCAN support site)

  • Zoom conferences for trouble shooting

  • Data uploads

    • Just send us a .csv with your records and we’ll get them loaded into your collection. Yes, we want to help share your data so much we’ll upload it for you! 


Contact Neil for more information.

Grant Consultation, Writing, & Submission (free!)

We specialize in digitization and museum improvement type grants. With over a decade of experience, we’ve been involved in a number of large-scale collection improvement grants including: Lepidoptera of North America Network, Terrestrial Parasite Tracker, Big-Bee, and iDigBees.


Have cool insects or arthropod specimens in your collection or museum that you want digitized, but need funding? Want help getting that grant proposal together? We can help! Services offered:

  • Idea consultation & brainstorming

  • Proposal writing and editing help

  • Making sure of all those other annoying but required “associated” files are drafted

  • Cat herding to stay on track for submission dates

  • Remote project management and report production for NSF requirements (depending on the amount of help/time needed, additional funding may be incorporated into the grant to provide this)


We do not charge for these services, but we do require that BON be added as a subaward in proposal. If you get funded, we get funded. It’s a win-win 😄

Contact Neil & Erika for more information.

Networking (free!)

Have questions about insects or collections, but don’t know where to start? We can help! We may not have the answers ourselves, but chances are we have resources that can help or know who you should talk to.  We’re all about connecting people with other people!


Send us an email to start the conversation 🙂👍

Putting biodiversity data to work
for monitoring, conservation, and education

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© 2019 BON-EARTH: The Biodiversity Outreach Network

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