Neil Cobb
Director of Biodiversity Research/Chairman of the Board
Neil is an ecologist focused on biodiversity and biodiversity informatics at Northern Arizona University. Neil is the lead PI for SCAN the largest data portal for North American arthropod biodiversity. He is the BON PI for the Symbiota2 project, the software engine that runs SCAN. Neil is also a co-PI on the LightningBug project, An integrated pipeline to overcome the biodiversity digitization gap. Finally, he is the lead PI for iDigBees, which works toward understanding the biogeography and basic ecology of native bees.
Associate Director
Erika is an entomologist and taxonomist with a doctorate in Entomology. She has over 10 years experience working in, and with, museums and collections of various sizes utilizing museum specimens for research and managing digitization projects. Her experience includes working with the Hymenoptera Institute Collection, the University of New Hampshire Insect Collection, and the University of Michigan Museum of Zoology Insect Collection, among others, as well as successfully obtaining funding for two NSF-ADBC collaborative TCN projects.
More information on Erika, her publications and projects, can be found on her personal website.
Jennifer Zaspel
Advisory Board
Curator of Zoology at the Milwaukee Public Museum.
Jennifer has over 15 years of experience in collections-based research and management, including two years as the Director of the UW-Oshkosh Insect Collection, and four years as Director of the Purdue Entomological Research Collection. Her research program is focused on the systematics and evolution of plant and animal host associations in erebid moths.
Paige Chesshire
Research Associate/Junior Entomology Academy
Paige is an ecologist working on bee-plant networks and native bee biogeography. She is finishing her Ph.D. at Northern Arizona University. Paige serves as a support person for the SCAN Portal. She also runs the Summer Bug Camps for the Junior Entomology Academy.